"Now that I have seen you with my own eyes...and held you in my own arms...I am responsible" - Brooke Fraser

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quoting Tara

   All of us involved in Haiti have had to answer the question of why the earthquake happened.  I have struggled my way through some answers, but the best one I read is on the blog of full-time missionaries that I met briefly last year and then spent some more time with when in Haiti earlier this month.  Tara Livesay said on her blog yesterday:

"There is no "reason" for this earthquake - well, other than some tectonic plates moving around. That's all. It was not so a bunch of adoptive parents could get their kids home (like God loves them so much He sent an earthquake to get their kids home on Humanitarian Parole). It is not so the world would recognize and learn about Haiti (although I suppose that is good). It is not because God is punishing Haitians for something that happend 200 years ago in some Voudou ceremony (sorry Pat Robertson). The reason it happened is simple - uninteresting - laws of geology. We don't need theologians to tell us. We don't need to debate."

   Very well said Tara.  It is a lot simpler than we try to make it.  We try to makes the questions of why so much harder than they have to be.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anderson Cooper returned to Haiti today.  Check out his blog:

Anderson has been, in my opinion, the only reporter trying hard to focus on the resolve, power and hope of the Haitian people.  He was there for our team when we asked him for some help. 

Rock on Anderson!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I have been asked about 4,312 times since returning from Haiti last week what I experienced there. Was it fear? Was it shock? Perhaps death? Suffering? Starvation? What is the one overarching thing that saw in Haiti on this Rescue and Relief Trip? If I could boil it down to one thing, what would that one thing be?

My answer lies in the eyes of the kids of the Good Samaritan, Freedom House and Leogane orphanages. It doesn’t fit into piles of rubble. It doesn’t fit into body bags passing Jeff and I by at the US military base. It doesn’t quite fit into the CNN reporting of the one or two bad things that happen each day and not the 10,000 good things. It isn’t about governments or military forces. It isn’t about fallen schools or crushed dreams.

The one thing that I found in their eyes was hope. Hope is what followed me out of Haiti and back to Pennsylvania. When Gamealle sits on Jeff’s lap, I see hope in her eyes. When Marv and Sandra sit together and read a letter from home, I see hope. When Stephanie sits in Doug’s arms happy and content, it is hope that brings them together. When Marie-Ange embraced me upon my arrival, it was hope that wrapped its arms around me.

When we drove to Leogane and saw the orphanage in its current form as a pile of rubble we didn’t see much hope. Then, we turned the corner and saw 100 faces thrilled to see us. I didn’t see any fear. I didn’t see any anger. I didn’t see any confusion or pain. I saw 100 pairs of eyes full of hope. When I talked with Cynthia about the earthquake she answered my questions, but kept repeating how happy she was that we were there. We hadn’t given them anything yet. She had no idea if we would. She was happy we were there because we had the privilege to represent hope. Our presence, coming in their time of need no matter the risk involved, showed her that there is hope, that everything will be okay, that they are not alone.

The kids of Haiti have every excuse to be stuck in shock and fear. They have every right to be scared and let life pass them by. The world could keep spinning, but they could sit still. Nobody would fault them for that. That, however, is not the Haiti that I know. When we arrived at Freedom House the girls were doing laundry and dishes. They were singing and doing their chores. Life was going on. This earthquake was not going to stop them; it was not going to keep them down. When they had every right to sit back and be scared in the face of immense tragedy, they took a stand and continued on with their lives. When they could choose between fear and hope they chose hope.

Hope isn’t about fixing everything quickly. Hope isn’t about politics and economy. Hope isn’t about infrastructure or concrete. Hope is about tomorrow. Hope is about a day somewhere down the line. Hope is about what might be, not what already is.

There is a choice to be made in Haiti right now. There is a choice for all of us to make in our response. We can look at the scale of the tragedy and be overwhelmed. We can look at the mass graves and fallen buildings and hang our heads in sorrow. We can see millions sleeping in tent cities and standing in line all day for one meal and get frustrated at what we think should be happening instead. We all have the rights to make these choices.

We also have the right to choose hope. We have the opportunity to choose life instead. We can sit back and criticize, or we can stand up and lend a hand. We can say it is too scary, or too unsafe or too hard or too much for us to handle. We can list all of the reasons why Haiti is too big now for us now. The problems were so big before, now they are ten times bigger. It has become just too much for us. The problem is bigger than we are. We can be confused and angry; overwhelmed and lost in the chaos. We can be all of those things and see all of those problems, that is who we are as humans. We get scared. We get angry. We are eternally confused. I have been all of those things over the past month and I am some of those things right now. I can choose to let them consume me, but I choose hope instead.

Good Samaritan is choosing hope. Freedom House and Freedom Grace are choosing hope. Leogane Orphanage is choosing hope. If the kids whose world crumbled in front of their eyes are choosing to look for that day in the future when everything is okay and live their lives for that hope, then I will stand with them. We won’t leave you stranded…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rescue and Relief Review (Part One)

If you want s step-by-step review of the mission, check out Jeff and Deb's awesome blog @: denlingerhaiti.blogspot.com

I am not going to repeat what they said so well. Instead, I am going to give a few personal comments:

- Anderson Cooper is a really nice guy. After Jeff chased him down by foot (all that marathon training paying off), he took about 15 minutes to talk to us and give us some good contacts.

- Jeff is really good at opening and closing bus bathroom doors...he is also well suited to hold people's children while they use said bathroom.

- The Good Samaritan kids will never cease to amaze me with their hearts of gold. Here they were, earthquake survivors, singing praises as if they don'ty have a worry in the world. So the next time we get mad at God for something small and stupid, let's think about these kids whose world literally crashed down in front of them and only made their faith stronger.

- Corn Flakes are like steak and lobster...apparently.

- Saudi Arabia makes really nice flourecent orange tarps...and Johnnie can build you a house out of them if you want him to!

- I walked into Freedom House to find 6 of the girls washing clothes and 7 of the girls washing dishes. They stood up, kissed me, and went back to happily working and singing...2 weeks post-earthquake that made me happy to see.

- An American passport, a Secret Service shirt and a Red Sox hat can pretty much get you anything you want in Haiti right now.

- As we had great success getting our orphanages supplies, Jeff and I were reminded of the seriousness of the moment as we stood outside the hospital at the US military base and full body bags went by.

- My angels: Marie-Ange, Maya, Cynthia, Junior, Richard, Lovely, Jessica and Mirlande (to name a few) continue to speak truth into the scripture that says "...some people have entertained angels without even knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2)

- God + willing servants = an unbeatable team

- Random women at warehouse "Do you guys have any need for Shelter Boxes?" - Jeff and Matt "Not sure, but give us the contact info anyway." - A few hours later, Dave Locke "Hey Matt, the Jacmel girls have no shelter, any ideas to help them?" - Matt "Oh...yeah, I think I have an idea." - And yet some people wonder if God has abandoned Haiti.

- The Dominican Army soldiers we spent the night with at the border were great...but the Canadians also sleeping there were goofy, to say it in a nice way.

- Very few things can make you smile like 4 Sri Lanken army soldier grinning from ear to ear as they hand out cookies to orphans

- If you're a one-eyed dog, you should be honored to have been given the name "Blinky" by the missionaries...you now live in infamy

- Mmmmmm...spaghtetti and hot dog

- In the words of Jay-Z "When the sky falls and the earth quakes, we're gonna' put this back together, we won't break...can't wait until tomorrow, Haiti my love, we're not gonna' leave you stranded"