This past Sunday while sitting and chatting Abraham was sharing about some of the children's services paperwork he has been doing for the homes and the kids, he began to talk about the way we want the kids treated in the community. We want them to be treated as kids, just like all other kids, with love. They don't need the label "orphans" or to be treated differenty, they just need to be loved, just like all other kids. It is love that will ultimitley give them life.
We talked together about a girl who recently had to move from our home to another due to a certain behavior that couldn't be handled in a home our size. It was sad hearing Abraham talk about all of the ways that he tried to love her, the staff tried to show her love and the effort that we all put in to helping her. In the end, it didn't work out for her. We can't save everybody...actually, we can't save anybody, that's not our job.
Our job is actually really simple. We are to love kids. We have kids who were restevek's (child slaves), kids without living parents, kids with a disabled living parent and a few with a living parent who left them. It doesn't matter how they came to us, it just matters that they came. They are here now, now we are responsible.
Abraham reminisced with us about how far some of the kids have come in their time with us. They were so different from when they first came. Abraham shared that he is pretty sure some of them wouldn't be anywhere at all, or would be in terrible places, if they weren't with us. Loving them is our job, the result of that love is giving them life; physical life, spiritual life, emotional life.
Sometimes we think that our job has to be complicated and we have to do all sorts of things to help the kids. No we don't, it is actually really easy. We have to do our job and love them and let God do His job and save them. Love looks a lot of different ways, but it is still love. When we give them love, we give them life.